Traversing the Central Highlands

three long days of bus rides in the Andes


Home After two weeks along the coast, I headed Northeast from Lima, to Tarma.  From there to Huancayo, an easy three-hour trip.


From Huancayo to Ayacucho, though, was a 10-hour bus ride, through wild country


Huancayo to Ayacucho





The first part of the trip was noteworthy primarily for its stunningly well-ordered agriculture, from the valleys up onto the ridges



But we soon got into the kind of terrain that would prevail for most of the rest of the journey...





...dirt roads, winding along a wild river (which reputedly has killed more people than any river on earth)




Even here, though, the agricultural uses of the terrain were impressive



The casualness of Peru is evident here:  we males were free to relieve ourselves whenever the bus stopped



The bus stopped often in small villages 


Ayacucho to Cuzco



After the week of Semana Santa in Ayacucho I headed for Cuzco and Machu Picchu

That was two 12-hour bus rides on successive days




The trip was all through rugged mountain country, with endless switchbacks, twists and turns




thru numerous small villages




past picturesque farms




with food vendors boarding the bus at many stops


At the end of the first day, I landed in Andahuaylas, half-way between Ayacucho and Cuzco




Early the next morning, their market was just awakening




Cold and damp, I was happy to leave this town behind



This day continued the pattern:  seemingly endless switchbacks, while descending into the valley...




...only to climb again to the heights




until Cuzco, at last

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